Sustainability is not a buzzword for us
We are the first generation to feel the consequences of climate change. We are problemsolvers by nature and we build technology with a positive and meaningful impact on the industry.
We use sensors to streamline waste management
Let our software find ways to cut costs and emissions by using sensor data and cutting edge analytics. We are replacing the analogue ways of waste management and we are on a mission to make our cities greener.
Who we are
Sensorita was founded in 2020 and springs out of the sensor and data science community at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Like any startup with respect for itself CEO Ulrikke Lien and CTO Emil Skar developed the first sensor in a worn out garage. We have come a long way since then and are proud to have developed a groundbreaking sensor using some of the most advanced techniques within machine learning.
We are a growing team of 6 with expertise across machine learning, hardware, design and construction.
Join our team. We are just getting started.
Let’s talk trash!
Trusted by
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We are just getting started.\n" } }, "media": [ { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "7ogkqb9i9i41" } }, "id": "5QiTskelsjNlL4IxlK6Z9f", "type": "Asset", "createdAt": "2022-10-25T15:54:33.950Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-25T15:54:33.950Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, "revision": 1, "locale": "en-US" }, "fields": { "title": "Frame 13948", "description": "", "file": { "url": "//", "details": { "size": 2538124, "image": { "width": 1080, "height": 1166 } }, "fileName": "Frame 13948.png", "contentType": "image/png" } } } ] } }, { "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "sys": { "space": { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Space", "id": "7ogkqb9i9i41" } }, "id": "2QpKpGlY59MkNyWt4qb8Nc", "type": "Entry", "createdAt": "2022-08-19T13:25:07.511Z", "updatedAt": "2022-09-20T11:45:36.148Z", "environment": { "sys": { "id": "master", "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment" } }, 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